Thursday, January 2, 2014

Russian Christmas

Christmas is celebrated on 7 January in many Eastern Churches. 7 January on the Gregorian calendar coincides with 25 December of the Julian calendar used by several Orthodox Churches. Among those celebrating Christ's birth on this day include the Russian, Serbian, and Coptic Churches, and others as well.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, Christmas Eve (6 January) is celebrated with the services of the Royal Hours and the Vesperal Divine Liturgy in the evening. Families then return home for a Christmas Eve "Holy Supper", which consists of 12 dishes, one to honor each of the 12 Apostles. On Christmas morning, the Divine Liturgy of the Nativity is celebrated.

Pictured here is the 15th century Nativity icon painted by St. Andrei Rublev; also pictured is the Christmas Liturgy with the deacon carrying the Gospel, an image of the Good News brought to the nations by Christ's Incarnation.

Христос рождается! Славите его!
Christos raždajetsja! Slavite Jeho!
Христос Раждається! Славіте Його!
Christ is born! Glorify Him!

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